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For Thailand, the 1970 and 1980 Census education categories are equivalent. Primary school was traditionally completed after four years. The Thai educational classification also had one less category than the other countries. Women whose highest education level of education was Kindergarten are classified as having no education. At the secondary and tertiary level vocational training is included along with general education. Primary grades 5 through 7 include women whose education was under the old system and who completed Matthayon 1 through 3.
For Indonesia, the 1971 and 1980 Census education classification included codes for no schooling, incomplete primary, and complete primary. The junior high school category was derived by combining vocational and general junior high. Senior high was derived in the same manner. Tertiary includes academy and university education.
For the Philippines, the incomplete primary is defined as completion of grades 1 through 5, completion of grades 6 or 7 constitutes completion of primary school. Some secondary includes those women who complete 1st to 3rd years of high school. Completion of 4th year high school is treated as completing secondary school
For Peninsular Malaysia, the 1970 codes for the first three categories, No Schooling, Some Primary, and Competed Primary, are available. Some Secondary combines the categories 'Form I-II' and 'Form III.' Categories above the some-secondary level are based on educational qualifications from national examinations. More LCE combines all categories from 'Form IV' and above. For 1980 'Standards 1 through 5' comprise the category Some Primary, while those women who completed 'Standard 6' are classed as 'Completed Primary.' The category of Some Secondary-NO LCE is made up of 'Forms 1 through 3' where no SRP/SCE was awarded in Form 3. Higher than LCE consists of women who completed 'Form 4 or above.'