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This is a datafile of the 1971 .038 sample of the census data and is located on the CSDE Workstation in the directory: /seafert/indonesia/data/census71/INDO71.DAT (to work with the data users should uncompress the file). A fortran program created the matched woman-child-husband dataset INDO71STD.DAT. Documentation about the census data are located in the 1971 Population Census of Indonesia .038 Sample - Master File: Data Documentation and Codebook. The files contains 33 variables, 634,648 unweighted individual records. Each person selected for inclusion in the sample file has been assigned a weight factor that includes adjustments for sampling fraction by geographical stratam and for age-sex composition of the municipal and non-municipal areas. Data include individual demographic information as well as household characteristics.

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This is a data file of the 1980 .05 sample of the census data and is located on the CSDE Workstation in the directory: /seafert/indonesia/data/census80/INDO80.DAT (to work with the data users should uncompress the file). A fortran program created the matched woman-child-husband dataset INDO80STD.DAT Dcumentation about the census data are located in the 1980 Population Census of Indonesia .05 Sample - Master File: Data Documentation and Codebook. The files contains 75 variables, 7,234,561unweighted individual records. Each person selected for inclusion in the sample file has been assigned a weight factor that includes adjustments for sampling fraction by geographical stratam and by municipal and non-municipal areas. Data include individual demographic information as well as household characteristics.

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This is a data file of the 1990 .005 sample of the census data and is located on the  CSDE Workstation in the directory: /csde/seafert/indonesia/data/census90/INDO90.DAT (to work with the data users should uncompress the file). There is also a fortran program which created the matched woman-child-husband dataset INDO90STD.DAT.    Documentation about the census data are located in the 1990 Population Census of Indonesia .005 Sample - Master File: Data Documentation and Codebook. The files contains 912,544 unweighted individual records. Each person selected for inclusion in the sample file has been assigned a weight factor that includes adjustments for sampling fraction by geographical stratam and by municipal and non-municipal areas. The sample selection is also adjusted for household type (collective vs. private households) and gender composition. Data include individual demographic information as well as household characteristics (201,143 households).

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This is a data file which includes information about women 15-49 years old whose data are then matched to their children's data (age 10 and under) and their husband's data (if they are married). The data are drawn from 1971 Indonesia Census data. The file is a column delimited raw dataset (see 1971 standardized data record list). Any unmatched children in the household are attached to the first eligible woman in the household (for the matching algorithm refer to Cho et al. 1986) .

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This is a data file which includes information about women 15-49 years old whose data are then matched to their children's data (age 10 and under) and their husband's data (if they are married). The data are drawn from 1980 Indonesia Census data. The file is a column delimited raw dataset (see 1980 standardized data record list). Any unmatched children in the household are attached to the first eligible woman in the household (for the matching algorithm refer to Cho et al. 1986) .

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This is a data file which includes information about women 15-49 years old whose data are then matched to their children's data and their husband's data (if they are married). The data are drawn from 1990 Indonesia Census data. The file is a column delimited raw dataset (see 1990 standardized data record list). Any unmatched children in the household are attached to the first eligible woman in the household (for the matching algorithm refer to Cho et al. 1986) .

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INDO71STD.DAT data to recode variables and create a 1971 analysis file:INDO71STD.POR. The data are located on the /seafert/indonesia/data/census71/ directory and are in compressed format. For more information, see the Southeast Asia Fertility Transitions Project Documentation.

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INDO80STD.DAT data to recode variables and create a 1980 analysis file:INDO80STD.POR.   In particular, provinces are recoded to match the 1971 boundary definitions (for more information, see the Southeast Asia Fertility Transitions Project Documentation). The data are located on the /seafert/indonesia/data/census80/ directory and are in compressed format.

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INDO90STD.DAT  file to recode variables and create a 1990 analysis file:  INDO90STD.POR. In particular, provinces are recoded to match the 1971 boundary definitions (for more information see the see 1990 standardized data record list)

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This is a portable spss format data file of the matched women-child-husband data (derived from INDO71STD.DAT ). The file was created using the go back to flow chart


This is a portable spss format data file of the matched women-child-husband data (derived from INDO80STD.DAT). The file was created using the go back to flow chart


This is a portable spss format data file of the matched women-child-husband data (derived from INDO90STD.DAT ). The file was created using the go back to flow chart

ICON90.POR. The program is located in the /seafert/indonesia/create/contextuals directory.

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This file contains the contextual variables for 1971 and 1980.  The original SPSS program for creating this contextual variables is not available.  The current contextual file was constructed by taking the mean  of each variable for each kabupatan from the merged 1971-80 data file (stored in a tape).

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The contextual data are a combination of aggregate information as well as global information for each province in Indonesia. Sources for the data are from 1990 Indonesia Census file. The data are located on the /seafert/indonesia/data/contextuals directory.

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This a merged dataset of the contextual data and the three censuses (INDO71STD.POR, INDO80STD.POR, and INDO90STD.POR).  The data are located on /csde/seafert/indonesia/data/merged directory.

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