Program Thai Census Data 1980 * This program reads the Standard Data and outputs the Merged Data * merging Mother and Child & Husband and Wife * Declare Real and Integers for programs integer f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13 logical p1,q1,p2,q2 character*97 nxt, old character*10 lv character xi(30)*200 character ka*8, ka2*16 integer th, tn, x, y, u, s, m, n, o, p, q, w, pp,qq,qqq,qqqq integer th1, th2, thc1, thc2, thc3, thc4, thc5, thc6 integer rl, sx, ag, mr, lc, ic, ih, ix, i, j, k, l, lnx, lnm integer kk, kkk, ss character*1 ci(30) character*33 hi(30) character*6 yi, zi(30) integer xln(30), mln(30), cr(30), hr(30) integer xr(30), ch(30) integer nwom,nch,nch0,nch1,nch2,nch3,nch4,nch5,nch6,nch7,nch8 integer nch9,ncT integer mat,mat0,mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4,mat5,mat6,mat7 integer mat8,mat9,matT integer unmat,unmat0,unmat1,unmat2,unmat3,unmat4,unmat5,unmat6 integer unmat7,unmat8,unmat9,unmatT C.................................................................. open (unit=2, file='thai80.clean', status='old', $ access='sequential', form='formatted') open (unit=3, file='thai80.extract', status='new',recl=201) open (unit=4, file='thai80.stats', status='new') * initializing all variables data ci/30*' '/, hi/30*' '/ data lv/'0123456789'/ data xln/30*0/,mln/30*0/,cr/30*0/,hr/30*0/ data xr/30*0/,ch/30*0/ data ci/30*' '/, hi/30*' '/,xi/30*' '/,yi/' '/ data nxt/' '/, old/' '/, ka/' '/ data rl/0/,sx/0/,ag/0/,mr/0/,lc/0/,ic/0/,ih/0/,ix/0/,i/0/ data j/0/,k/0/,l/0/,j/0/,k/0/,l/0/,m/0/,n/0/,o/0/,lnx/0/ data lnm/0/,th/0/,tn/0/,x/0/,y/0/,u/0/,v/0/,s/0/,flag/.true./ data nwom/0/,nch/0/,nch0/0/,nch1/0/,nch2/0/,nch3/0/,nch4/0/ data nch5/0/,nch6/0/,nch7/0/,nch8/0/,nch9/0/,nchT/0/ data mat/0/,mat0/0/,mat1/0/,mat2/0/,mat3/0/,mat4/0/ data mat/5/,mat6/0/,mat7/0/,mat8/0/,mat9/0/,matT/0/ data unmat/0/,unmat0/0/,unmat1/0/,unmat2/0/,unmat3/0/,unmat4/0/ data unmat/5/,unmat6/0/,unmat7/0/,unmat8/0/,unmat9/0/,unmatT/0/ ii=0 do 3000 while (ii.eq.0) old=nxt read (2,1,end=1000, err=2000)nxt 1 format(97A) ** match husbands and wives ** qq=0 if ((old(1:16)).ne.(nxt(1:16))) then p1=false p2=false p=0 q1=false q2=false if ( then do 11 j=1,ix if ((xi(j)(37:37)).eq.'2') then do 12 k=1,ih if ( ((xr(j).eq.1).and.(hr(k).eq.2)).or. $ ((xr(j).eq.2).and.(hr(k).eq.1)).or. $ (((xr(j).gt.2).and.(xr(j).lt.6)) $ .and.(hr(k).eq.6)).or. $ ((xr(j).eq.6).and.((hr(k).gt.2) $ .and.(hr(k).lt.6))).or. $ ((xr(j).gt.6).and. $ (xr(j) ) then xi(j)(139:139)='1' xi(j)(140:172)=hi(k) hr(k)=0 goto 201 end if 12 enddo end if 201 if ((xi(j)(139:139)).ne.'1') then xi(j)(139:139)='0' xi(j)(140:172)=' ' endif 11 enddo * match children and mothers * kk=1 kkk=1 ss=0 do 301 j=1,ix ka(1:8)=' ' if ((xi(j)(37:37)).gt.'1') then ka(1:8)=' ' qq=0 qqq=0 qqqq=0 q1=false do 302 k=kk,ic f1=0 f2=0 f3=0 f4=0 f5=0 f6=0 f7=0 f8=0 f9=0 f10=0 f11=0 f12=0 f13=0 s=len(ka) if (( f1=1 if ((mln(k).gt.0).and.(cr(k).ne.5)) f2=1 if ((f1.eq.1).and.(f2.eq.1)) f3=1 if ((xr(j).eq.1).or.(xr(j).eq.2)) f4=1 if ((cr(k).eq.3).or.(cr(k).eq.4)) f5=1 if ((f4.eq.1).and.(f5.eq.1)) f6=1 if (((xr(j).gt.2).and. $ (xr(j).lt.7)).and.(cr(k).eq.7))f7=1 if (((xr(j).gt.7).and. $ (xr(j).lt.11)).and.(cr(k).eq.10))f8=1 if ((xr(j).gt.10).and.(xr(j) f9=1 if ((f7.eq.1).or. $ (f8.eq.1).or.(f9.eq.1)) f10=1 if ((f6.eq.1).or.(f10.eq.1)) f11=1 if ((f11.eq.1).or.(xln(j).eq.mln(k)))f12=1 if ((f3.eq.1).and.(f12.eq.1)) f13=1 if (xln(j).eq.mln(k)) f13=1 if (f13.eq.1) then q1=true if (ci(k).ne.' ')qqq=qqq+1 qq=qq+1 kkk=qq ka(qqq:qqq)=ci(k) cr(k)=0 mln(k)=0 qqqq=qq+qq mat=mat+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'0') mat0=mat0+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'1') mat1=mat1+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'2') mat2=mat2+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'3') mat3=mat3+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'4') mat4=mat4+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'5') mat5=mat5+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'6') mat6=mat6+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'7') mat7=mat7+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'8') mat8=mat8+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'9') mat9=mat9+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'T') matT=matT+1 endif 302 continue endif if ((q1.eq.true).and.( then xi(j)(173:173)=lv(qqq+1:qqq+1) xi(j)(174:181)=ka else xi(j)(173:173)=lv(qqq+1:qqq+1) xi(j)(174:181)=ka endif kk=kkk ka(1:8)=' ' qq=0 qqq=0 qqqq=0 q1=false q2=false 301 continue qq=0 qqq=0 ** tag unmatched children to woman No.1 ka2(1:16)=' ' p=0 do 401 j=1,ic if ((cr(j).gt.0).and.( then p=p+1 ka2(p:p+1)=ci(j) p1=true unmat=unmat+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'0') unmat0=unmat0+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'1') unmat1=unmat1+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'2') unmat2=unmat2+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'3') unmat3=unmat3+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'4') unmat4=unmat4+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'5') unmat5=unmat5+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'6') unmat6=unmat6+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'7') unmat7=unmat7+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'8') unmat8=unmat8+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'9') unmat9=unmat9+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'T') unmatT=unmatT+1 endif 401 continue if ((p1.eq.true).and.( then xi(1)(182:182)=' ' xi(1)(183:183)=lv(1:1) else if ((p1.eq.true).and. $ ( then xi(1)(182:182)=' ' xi(1)(183:183)=lv(p+1:p+1) xi(1)(184:199)=ka2 else xi(1)(184:199)=' ' endif ** writing output do j=1,ix write(3,*)xi(j) enddo endif ** resetting all variables th=th+1 ic=0 ih=0 ix=0 lnx=0 lnm=0 rl=0 ag=0 sx=0 mr=0 lc=0 do jj=1,30 xln(jj)=0 mln(jj)=0 cr(jj)=0 hr(jj)=0 xr(jj)=0 ch(jj)=0 ci(jj)=' ' hi(jj)=' ' xi(jj)=' ' enddo ka=' ' ih=0 ka(1:8)=' ' ka2=' ' q=0 p=0 tn=0 ix=0 endif *________________________________________________________________ if ((nxt(17:17)).eq.'1') then read ((nxt(23:26)),'(i4)')lnx read ((nxt(27:28)),'(i2)')rl read ((nxt(83:84)),'(i2)')ag read ((nxt(37:37)),'(i1)')sx if ( then read ((nxt(40:40)),'(i1)')mr read ((nxt(50:51)),'(i2)')lnm else read ((nxt(50:51)),'(i2)')lnm mr=0 end if if ((sx.eq.2).and.( then read ((nxt(69:70)),'(i2)')lc else lc=0 end if if ( end if if ( ( .and. $ ((( $ ((sx.eq.1).and.( $ ( $ ((sx.eq.2).and.( $ ( ) ) then tn=tn+1 * **keep needed child info** if ( then ic=ic+1 cr(ic)=rl ci(ic)=(nxt(84:84)) if (ag.eq.10) ci(ic)='T' mln(ic)=lnm nch=nch+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'0') nch0=nch0+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'1') nch1=nch1+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'2') nch2=nch2+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'3') nch3=nch3+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'4') nch4=nch4+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'5') nch5=nch5+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'6') nch6=nch6+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'7') nch7=nch7+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'8') nch8=nch8+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'9') nch9=nch9+1 if (ci(ic).eq.'T') nchT=nchT+1 * **keep needed husband info** else if (sx.eq.1) then ih=ih+1 hr(ih)=rl hi(ih)=(nxt(83:84))//(nxt(38:39)) ! ag,v19 $ //' '//(nxt(55:56))//' ' ! v28,NA $ //' '//(nxt(57:57))//' ' ! lit,sc $ //' '//(nxt(41:43)) ! occup $ //' '//(nxt(44:46)) ! indus $ //(nxt(47:47))//(nxt(77:79)) ! v23,v41 $ //(nxt(80:81))//' ' ! v42,6 space * **keep needed women info** else if (( ix=ix+1 xr(ix)=rl ch(ix)=lc xln(ix)=lnx nwom=nwom+1 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attaching computed HH# as character string if ( then yi(6:6)=lv(th+1:th+1) yi(1:5)=' ' else if (( then th1=th thc1=0 do while ( th1=th1-10 thc1=thc1+1 enddo yi(6:6)=lv(th1+1:th1+1) yi(5:5)=lv(thc1+1:thc1+1) yi(1:4)=' ' else th2=th thc2=0 thc3=0 thc4=0 thc5=0 thc6=0 do while ( th2=th2-100 thc2=thc2+1 if (thc2.eq.10) then thc4=thc4+1 thc2=0 if (thc4.eq.10) then thc5=thc5+1 thc4=0 if (thc5.eq.10) then thc6=thc6+1 thc5=0 endif endif endif enddo thc3=0 do while ( th2=th2-10 thc3=thc3+1 if (thc3.eq.10) then thc2=thc2+1 thc3=0 if (thc2.eq.10) then thc4=thc4+1 thc2=0 if (thc4.eq.10) then thc5=thc5+1 thc4=0 if (thc5.eq.10) then thc6=thc6+1 thc5=0 endif endif endif endif enddo if (( then yi(6:6)=lv(th2+1:th2+1) yi(5:5)=lv(thc3+1:thc3+1) yi(4:4)=lv(thc2+1:thc2+1) yi(1:3)=' ' endif if (( then yi(6:6)=lv(th2+1:th2+1) yi(5:5)=lv(thc3+1:thc3+1) yi(4:4)=lv(thc2+1:thc2+1) yi(3:3)=lv(thc4+1:thc4+1) thc4=0 endif if (( then yi(6:6)=lv(th2+1:th2+1) yi(5:5)=lv(thc3+1:thc3+1) yi(4:4)=lv(thc2+1:thc2+1) yi(3:3)=lv(thc4+1:thc4+1) yi(2:2)=lv(thc5+1:thc5+1) thc4=0 thc5=0 endif if ( then yi(6:6)=lv(th2+1:th2+1) yi(5:5)=lv(thc3+1:thc3+1) yi(4:4)=lv(thc2+1:thc2+1) yi(3:3)=lv(thc4+1:thc4+1) yi(2:2)=lv(thc5+1:thc5+1) yi(1:1)=lv(thc6+1:thc6+1) thc4=0 thc5=0 thc6=0 endif endif *------------------------------------------------------------------- xi(ix)=yi(1:6)//' '//(nxt(1:12))!area var $ //' '//(nxt(18:21)) ! urb, HHsz $ //(nxt(91:97)) !ght $ //(nxt(83:84))//(nxt(27:28)) ! ag,rl $ //' '//(nxt(40:40)) ! mar status $ //' '//' '//(nxt(48:49)) ! eth, lang $ //' '//(nxt(52:52)) ! religion $ //' '//(nxt(36:36)) ! res status $ //(nxt(38:39))//' '//(nxt(55:56)) ! v19, v28 $ //' '//' '//(nxt(57:57))//' ' ! na, lit, sga $ //' '//' '//(nxt(53:54))//' ' ! mig, br1-2 $ //' '//(nxt(60:61)) ! prvres1 $ //' '//(nxt(62:63)) ! prvres2 $ //(nxt(58:59)) ! dur res $ //' '//(nxt(64:66)) ! v33, v34 $ //(nxt(67:68)) ! AgeMar $ //(nxt(89:90)) ! DurMar $ //' '//' ' ! OthMar $ //' '//(nxt(75:75))//' '//(nxt(76:76)) !bcl-2 $ //(nxt(85:86))//' '//' ' ! cebl-3 $ //(nxt(87:88))//(nxt(69:72)) ! lch1-3 $ //(nxt(73:74))//' ' ! ChDead,Others $ //' '//(nxt(41:43)) ! occup $ //' '//(nxt(44:46)) ! indus $ //(nxt(47:47))//(nxt(77:79)) ! v23,v41 $ //(nxt(80:81))//' ' ! v42 end if end if 3000 continue 2000 write (6,*)'ERROR CODE' 1000 write (6,*)'EOF - Natural Exit' write (6,*)'Closing input and output files' write (4,*)'Number of Women = ',nwom write (4,*)'Number of Child = ',nch write (4,*)'Number of child with age 0 = ',nch0 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 1 = ',nch1 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 2 = ',nch2 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 3 = ',nch3 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 4 = ',nch4 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 5 = ',nch5 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 6 = ',nch6 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 7 = ',nch7 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 8 = ',nch8 write (4,*)'Number of child with age 9 = ',nch9 write (4,*)'Number of child with age T = ',nchT write (4,*) ' ' write (4,*) ' ' write (4,*)'Number of total matched child = ',mat write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 0 = ',mat0 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 1 = ',mat1 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 2 = ',mat2 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 3 = ',mat3 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 4 = ',mat4 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 5 = ',mat5 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 6 = ',mat6 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 7 = ',mat7 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 8 = ',mat8 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age 9 = ',mat9 write (4,*)'Number of matched child with age T = ',matT write (4,*) ' ' write (4,*) ' ' write (4,*)'Number of total unmatched child = ',unmat write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 0 = ',unmat0 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 1 = ',unmat1 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 2 = ',unmat2 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 3 = ',unmat3 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 4 = ',unmat4 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 5 = ',unmat5 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 6 = ',unmat6 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 7 = ',unmat7 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 8 = ',unmat8 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age 9 = ',unmat9 write (4,*)'Number of unmatched child with age T = ',unmatT close (2) close (3) close (4) stop end